AS Legacy + ZS Legacy Management
We are here provide you a better way to start a business with very low start-up costs, profitable and be effective! Why join us....
- Experienced Company: AS Legacy was founded by Dato 'Aliff Syukri who has over 15 years of experience in business. Combined with ZS Legacy Management vast experience in recruitment, training and effective selling techniques will give you best experience to start your busines and make profit faster. ZS Legacy Management provide effective tools and 24x7 online system for you to place order, track and check status at your finger tips!
- Mentoring Guidance: Dato 'Aliff Syukri is a successful business mentor. He always provides support & guidance through FB & IG accounts.
- Viral Marketing: AS Legacy & Dato' Sri Aliff Syukri regularly posted high quality video on FB & IG for viral promotion and marketing strategy. This created high demand from the consumer and reseller are required to serve the ready customers.
- Low Capital, High Profit: AS Legacy products are very attractive because they are profitable for the traders and at the same time providing high quality and affordable products to the buyers.
- Easy to Sell Products: AS Legacy products is a solution to the user's daily needs from top to toe and with the viral the product is in high demand.
- Simple & Easy: As long as you have a desire and dream to succeed, AS Legacy + ZS Legacy is the best for you!
Rewards and Recognition: Full of rewarding and recognition with rewards and recognition from both AS Legacy HQ + ZS Legacy Management
Coaching and Guidance: We will provide coaching, guidance and enablement for the first timer/startup with no experience up to the experience seller using our innovative and effective selling/ marketing strategy.
Success and Profitable!
Click "Continue" button below for self-registration with few simple steps OR Click on the "Contact Us" button above for you to reach us.
We will contact you immediately to onboard you as fast possible so that you can immediately start you business, make huge profit and be successful!